E Shram कार्ड वालों को सरकार देगी 3000 रुपए कैसे मिलेगा लाभ यहां जाने? E Shram Card Balance Check: Central government and state governments collaborated to create Shram Card Scheme for the common people। The purpose of this program was to provide individuals with access to the benefits of the Labor Maintenance Allowance Scheme। Latest news update on labor card is here।
Let us inform all labor card holders that the government will provide all labor card holders with the benefits of this program. In particular, the government will transfer ₹ 3,000 to the Labor Maintenance Allowance Scheme। Which month will this money transfer take place and who will receive it? Read the news in its entirety।
Table of Contents
₹3000 for labor card will be given to these individuals। इन व्यक्तियों को श्रमिक कार्ड के लिए ₹3000 दिए जाएंगे।
Everyone with a labor card who registered online to get their card, especially those who sell ready-made tracks, laborers, workers in the unorganized sector, tailors, washermen, farmers who grow vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc। Those who work as housekeepers, cleaners, and delivery boys will get the advantage at the first opportunity.
DBT will transfer these funds online, so it is essential that all of you have an Aadhaar card linked to your bank account and DBT activated in it।
These individuals received ₹ 200000 in benefits। इन व्यक्तियों को ₹200000 का लाभ प्राप्त हुआ।

Employees who are registered with the Labor Maintenance Scheme have accident insurance of ₹ 200,000 and a disability benefit of ₹ 1 lakh। Apart from this, you are also eligible for ₹3000 Shramik Mandhan Pension Scheme। हालाँकि, आपको अलग से पंजीकृत करना होगा।
The Shram Card Scheme also offers additional special benefits, such as Housing Scheme, Government Free Treatment Scheme, Free Cycle Scheme for laborers, Kanni Basli Scheme for house builders’ goods, Badhaai Lohar Pratham Kit Scheme, and ₹ for daughter’s marriage। 50000 financial assistance scheme और इतने पर लागू होता है।
Money will be transferred in March। मार्च में पैसा ट्रांसफर होगा।
In March, ₹ 3,000 under the Labor Maintenance Allowance Scheme will be transferred। विशेष जानकारी on this is made available through social media sites। The information that was received indicates that the funds for the Labor Card Scheme will be transferred in the same way as the money for Kisan Samman Nidhi is transferred through the DBT process।
To know how your money is going, you need to link your mobile number to your Aadhar card and bank account।
E Shram Card Balance Check ई श्रम कार्ड बैलेंस चेक
Name of the scheme: Labor Maintenance Allowance Scheme
Benefit ₹3000 assistance amount
Laborers registering beneficiary labor card
Shram Card Official Website – Click Here